The Faroe Islands are a gathering of 18 islands amidst North Atlantic Ocean, Northwest of Scotland and somewhere between Iceland and Norway. The magnificence of this place is that when you are in Faroe Islands you are never in excess of 5 kms from the Ocean. There are steep mountains in the countryside and millions of seabirds. Faroes is just a short flight away from UK. Tourist season is short but full of events and culture in Faroes. It starts in early July and ends in late August.

Here, we list the top 10 places to visit in the Faroe Islands:

1. Gásadalur

Gásadalur is something out of this world. It’s a tiny colorful village with very differently grass thatched roofs. There are jaw-dropping cliffs, a beautiful mountain and a waterfall that falls into the ocean majestically. This can be the most beautiful scenery that you can ever imagine. This town is a 10-minute drive from the airport and should be hit first after landing.

2. Mykines


It feels like God created this first thing after creating the earth. Mykines is a breathtakingly beautiful island. There is a high cliff, a pretty lighthouse and a small town in the background that just completes the pictures of a perfect destination in your mind. In this small island of Mykines, there are a millions of these cute birds, Puffins. There are 20 other species of sea birds on this island that are here because of the nutrient rich water of gulf.

3. Saksun

Saksun is another yet another place that has to be seen on your trip to Faroe Islands. This is another postcard-ideal stowing away at the plain end of a remote fjord. The houses here are extremely old, exceptionally conventional, and brilliant. This place is certain to abandon you totally dumbfounded.

4. Sørvágsvatn

Sørvágsvatn is the largest lake in the Faroe Islands located on Vagar. This island is encompassed by high precipices and streams directly into the sea, looks as though the lake is arranged over the sea.

5. Gjógv

It is another fairy tale village in the Island of Faroe. Gjógv is situated on the islands of Eysturoy and is an unquestionable requirement visit since its common harbor looks somewhat like the earth has been tore open. There isn’t much occurring there; nature is every one of the things that one needs to keep involved with.

6. Slættaratindur

Slættaratindur is Faroe’s highest mountain. The topmost is the place with the longest sight line on earth. It is 550 kilometers to be exact, which makes it extraordinary compared to other climbs in the Faroe Islands.  On a fine clear day, you can look all the way to Iceland. There are enough reasons to make this place the must visit!

7. Tjørnuvík

A pretty village by the beach is what has been missing in this journey! It cannot get prettier than this perfect little beach village of Tjørnuvík. There are only 64 people living on this island but the charm and beauty covers it all. Heard of the Rising of Kelling; they are right here. On the off chance that you look to the skyline, you will see two needle stones; and as per legend, the one is an Icelandic goliath and alternate his witch spouse who transformed into stone. Ah! You will not miss going there now for sure.

8. Kalsoy

If lighthouse is what you fancy, Kalsoy is the place for you. It is home to a standout amongst the most acclaimed beacons in the Faroe Islands. Kalsoy is little islands in the state of a needle that is really hard to reach. There are no passages or scaffolds which interlink the other primary islands, just a ship makes it open. But the dramatic scenery will pull you towards the island and make you stay for longer.

9. Kirkjubøargarður

Having seen enough extremes and beauty of the Faroe Islands, there is a little wonder that still has inhabited wooden houses and is located in this mini land. Kirkjubøargarður goes back to the eleventh century and has been ceaselessly occupied by a similar family since 1550. You certainly ought not miss going inside and get a look at old Nordic culture.

10. Tórshaven

And to end the list, but with a little surprise is the capital of Faroe Islands. It is a cute little town that has a wide variety of government facilitated buildings that are located in the old city. This tiny island has a good nightlife and a lot of good hotels to stay.


One of the principle reasons that individuals visit the Faroe Islands is the amazing nature and landscape. The Faroe Islands turn remarkably green amid the late spring. The outside air, the dark blue sea, the vertical ocean precipices and the green mountains with their pleasant valleys, is something which would stun any individual who appreciates being encompassed commonly.